Our Services
Our amalgam of services
The Business Value of Technology
Amalgam Insights helps technology vendors with strategic messaging, product development, value mapping, and thought leadership efforts.
We help end user companies to calculate business value, avoid the mistakes being taught through status quo thinking, and see new market trends to unlock the hidden value of technology through workshops, presentations, and research subscriptions.
And we work with independent investors and law firms with due diligence, market guidance, and expert witness efforts associated with telecom and machine learning issues.

Advisory Services
We have advisory relationships with vendors and enterprises to keep them in touch with the latest trends in the IT of business and the business of IT. We also conduct Business Value Workshops to help present the financial, operational, and strategic value of technology.

Custom Research
We conduct bespoke research based on client interest.
Custom topics include:
Business Value Analysis: A deep dive into the ROI, employee perception, and executive perception of a single technology solution based on the voice of the customer
Head-to-Head Solution Selection: A third-party perspective on how customers choose between two complex technologies based on interviews of customers faced with that decision.

Research Subscriptions
Our independent research includes SmartList summaries of market leading vendors, Market Milestone analysis of why key technology investments matter, as well as Analyst Insights that share the strategic frameworks that help shape the future of your IT environment.

Thought Leadership
We know that our findings and research need to be delivered in a multimedia fashion. Our engaging webinars, videos, and social media allow us to share the latest trends in technology finance and data democratization.
Check out our webinars on BrightTALK or take a look at one of our keynotes below.