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Amalgam Insights Debuts 2022 Vendor SmartList for Global Wireless Expense Management Leaders

Today Amalgam Insights publishes its latest Vendor Smartlist to support the Chief Information Officer, Global Wireless Expense Management Leaders for 2022. This report addresses the pain points organizations experience in trying to effectively manage the cost of employee smartphones, tablets, and laptops, as well as corporate Internet of Things sensors across multiple countries and regions. To check out the report, fill out the form below to get this report sent to your email address, then read on to find out what to expect.

The need for device oversight has grown even more critical throughout the COVID-19 pandemic as organizations must re-align spending in line with budgets in the face of a 30% increase in device spend in 2021. When it comes to wireless expense management (WEM), Amalgam Insights notes the IT Rule of 30, which states that any unmanaged IT spend category will average 30% bloat and enterprise mobility is no exception. Enterprises turning to an appropriate vendor can potentially reduce overspending and free internal employees, but these results are dependent on choosing vendors that have relevant experience.

Knowing which WEM provider to choose poses a conundrum for organizations. Amalgam Insights aims to solve this problem with Global Wireless Expense Management Leaders for 2022 by delivering independent insights and recommendations, along with in-depth vendor profiles of the eight largest standalone vendors managing wireless expenses based on spend under management and geographic footprint. Importantly, Amalgam Insights does not rank vendors. Instead, analysts focus on the differentiators among providers such as global coverage, ancillary spend coverage, governance and compliance, integrations, payment processing, automation strategy, and device lifecycle management.

“The Amalgam Insight Vendor SmartList focuses on specifying how vendors differentiate themselves in crowded markets where vendors can sound very similar,” says Amalgam Insights CEO and Principal Analyst Hyoun Park. “By focusing on unique or rare capabilities, CIOs can use the Vendor SmartList to make better decisions compared to raw rankings, reviews, or 2×2 matrices.”

Kelly Teal, Senior Research Analyst at Amalgam Insights, agrees.

“As the cost of doing business fluctuates due to global inflation, global organizations must assess the need to optimize wireless devices, services, applications, and support spend. Understanding the ways different global WEM vendors work with enterprises will help end-users identify the best approach for them and optimize spending.”

This report features Asignet, Calero-MDSL, Cass Information Systems (NASDAQ: CASS), Mindglobal, One Source Communications, Sakon, Tangoe, and Upland Software (NASDAQ: UPLD). Organizations may access the Global Wireless Expense Management Leaders for 2022 using the form below.