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An Important Side Note on FinOps and Cloud Economics

Organizations sometimes describe the job of cloud cost management as a “FinOps” role (an abbreviation of “Financial Operations” or “Financial Cloud Operations”) or as a Cloud Economics position. Amalgam Insights finds that there is confusion about these terms. Here’s why.

The common-sense definition of Financial Operations belongs to the Finance team responsible for financial close, budgeting, planning, treasury, tax, and accounting. Meanwhile, the concept of “economics” typically applies to the ecosystem of the production and consumption of value. In many cases, that goes beyond the scope of a standard “cloud economics” role, which focuses on cloud optimization and cost management.

However, in practice, these terms of FinOps and Cloud Economics are often used interchangeably to refer to managing costs, as well as inventory and governance. This is misleading on a variety of levels. The appropriation of “FinOps” to be cloud-specific is confusing enough, especially since a separate “FinOps” is starting to emerge for financial applications used to assist with planning, budgeting, close, consolidation, treasury management, and other financial tasks requiring some strategy, workflow, or collaboration to complete. The Cloud Economics term is a challenge for a different reason: it is an inaccurate term as economics should refer to the financial and business value associated with cloud deployments, including sales bookings and support costs at the microeconomic level and the environmental impact and ecosystem costs at the macroeconomic level. Economics, finance, and accounting are three separate concepts that the IT department needs to understand.

Amalgam Insights acknowledges that this is a common occurrence and hopes this note provides clarity for the reader who may find herself already acting as a “cloud economist” or “FinOps practitioner” based on activity around managing cloud costs while perhaps not being familiar with this terminology. The biggest concern Amalgam Insights has with these inaccurate terms is that the use of these terms may lead to the trivialization of these roles as FinOps or cloud economists are typecast as “cost analysts” rather than personnel who understand the business repercussions of cloud on the business as a whole. Cost analysts are a cost center while business analysts who understand revenue root causes are often a profit center.

In this light, what can FinOps and cloud economics personnel do to avoid being pigeonholed? Here’s Amalgam Insights’ advice.

1) Talk to the finance team in charge of organizing and managing IT costs. Somebody at the finance team has to either articulate the value of IT or rolls IT up into general and administrative costs or cost of goods sold. Understand how IT is categorized in your organization, as cloud may be miscategorized.

2) Understand the full lifecycle of cloud costs. This includes vendor sourcing, contract negotiations, optimization, service rationalization, and the security and governance concerns associated with technology vendor selection. Do not be stuck within one small section of Technology Lifecycle Management within a complex spend category such as cloud unless you are seeking to be commoditized over the next few years.

Finally, understand the economics associated with cloud. ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) is an increasingly important and strategic topic for businesses seeking to improve branding and reduce their risk to any operations that may lead to future concerns. If you want to be associated with economics, understand not just the services and technologies supported but their impacts on the environment and to the service provider. This allows you to be a resource not just for IT, but also for the CFO, Chief Strategy Officer, Chief Procurement Officer, and other strategic vendors.

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Cloud Cost Management Part 1: Understanding Challenges to Optimal Cloud Management

Since the start of COVID-19 more than two years ago, cloud computing infrastructure and platform spend categories have collectively increased 48% per year. That makes the related costs both an outlier in IT and a key target for potential expense reduction, especially as a recession — caused by the pandemic — hovers on the horizon.

 All in all, in 2022, global spending on cloud computing — including infrastructure and software — will total more than $350 billion, according to Amalgam Insights. As such, organizations require expert guidance for making the most of their cloud computing environments while, at the same time, trimming unnecessary outlay.

Cloud Computing By the Numbers

Amalgam Insights estimates that organizational investments in cloud computing infrastructure and platform services will continue to increase 25% per year for the rest of this decade. The reasons for shifting to cloud technologies mostly tie to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and concurrent digital transformation and modernization projects that support workforce flexibility.

The reality of that momentum shows in the 48% annual growth of public IaaS and PaaS from 2019 to 2021, based on estimates from Gartner, IDC, Apps Run the World, and Amalgam Insights research that represents a $90 billion increase worldwide.

And a third of that $350 billion total is waste.

Understanding the IT Rule of 30

Amalgam Insights has done the math that demonstrates that unmanaged IT spend categories average 30% waste, due to the inherent lack of governance, sourcing immaturity, and lack of expense visibility. Given that public cloud computing constitutes a spend area covered by the IT Rule of 30, organizations are collectively spending billions of dollars unnecessarily. In the cloud computing world, waste often creeps up due to service duplication, and the unmanaged growth of production and sandbox resources. The combination leads to outsized cloud computing bills ripe for optimization and management.

 Deterrents to Good Cloud Computing Governance

Because cloud computing represents the fastest growing subcategory of technology spend in most businesses, this outlay requires strategic oversight from the finance, IT, revenue, security, and governance departments.

But consider some of the common barriers organizations face:

       Finance and line-of-business executives in charge of budgeting need to understand that cloud computing costs are nuanced and cannot simply be slashed in proportion to the budget as a whole;

       IT must choose and manage platforms, and assign and monitor users and consumption;

       Software development and IT architects need to tag and track resources as cloud computing services are spun up and down;

       Data experts have to ensure that the organizations information within the various cloud resources stays in line with privacy laws such as Europes General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act in Canada.

Finally, we discuss three other important realities that hamstring a cohesive and effective cloud computing management and optimization strategy.


First, cloud vendors tend to create new services rapidly with little to no prior notice — and they retain the right to change billing structures on an ad-hoc basis. For example, Amazon Web Services alone has 226 products across analytics, compute, containerization, database, developer tools, machine learning, networking, security, storage, and a variety of other technical capabilities. The vendor usually adds 20 or more new products every year. 

Even if adjustments benefit end users, they can prove hard to track. That means organizations can have a hard time ensuring that even just a single vendor’s billed costs match actual consumption and contractual terms. Imagine what happens when an organization relies on multiple cloud providers.


Along those lines, the second challenge lies in using the data delivered by the cloud providers themselves. While the information — which can comprise usage, expenses, taxes, permissions, and consumption by user for each product — is vital, Amalgam Insights’ big caveat is that cloud computing vendors do not usually maintain consistent detail. This makes defining services ownership and usage — especially across specific projects and employees — difficult. After that, the burden of accurate project and departmental tracking falls on how well the organization has set up internal tags and tracking — typically a hit-or-miss proposition.


The third is that when organizations institute cloud computing management and optimization, they tend to do so through software and managed services specific to the various components of cloud computing — think items including infrastructure (e.g. virtualized desktops, containerized workloads), software/applications, storage, compute, and networking. Such a siloed approach contributes to ongoing lack of visibility and communication among decision-makers, and sets the stage for less-than-optimal stewardship of the cloud environment.

Overall, these financial, operational, and governance requirements create complexity that can quickly morph into a full-time job for a software developer, cloud architect, or data manager. And each of these professionals is likely being paid handsomely to help grow the company — not track inventories, bills, and service orders. (Learn more in our companion piece, “An Important Side Note on FinOps and Cloud Economics)

Tackling the Cloud Computing Management and Optimization Problem

For the most part, organizations recognize the need to better
manage their cloud computing environments. The impetus to do so increases amid
the threat of a global recession. Amalgam Insights contends that organizations — especially those using hybrid clouds or multiple public clouds — can gain significant
value, even during a worldwide economic slowdown, by using third-party
management tools. These platforms (and in many instances, associated consulting
and managed services) offer the cleanest insight into the cloud environment
while simultaneously assuring the wisest spending and delivery of more
sophisticated services to corporate and external clients.

In Part 2 of this series, Amalgam Insights will discuss the reasons to turn to a third-party cloud computing management and optimization partner, versus trying to go it alone and/or rely on vendor-generated data.

Need More Guidance Now?

Check out Amalgam Insights’ new Vendor SmartList report, Control Your Cloud: Selecting Cloud Cost Management in the Face of Recession, available for purchase. If you want to discuss your Cloud Cost Management challenges, please feel free to schedule time with us.

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August 26: From BI to AI (Alteryx, BigID, Domino, Micro Focus, OpenText, Salesforce, SAS, SingleStore, Sisu, Snowflake, Zilliz)

Funding and Financials

Salesforce Announces Q2 2023 Fiscal Results 

Salesforce released its Q2 2023 financial report on August 24. Revenues were up 22% year over year, at $7.72B for the quarter. Despite the improvement in revenues, CRM stock dropped over 6% after the report was released.

Snowflake Reports Q2 2023 Financial Results

Snowflake released their Q2 2023 fiscal results the same day as Salesforce. Snowflake revenues were up 83% year over year, with $497.2M in total revenue for the quarter. These numbers were strong enough SNOW jumped nearly 20% at the opening bell, though Snowflake stock is currently trading at just below $200/share, about half of its previous peak value.

Vector Database Company Zilliz Raises Additional $60 Million in Series B Extension

 Zilliz, a vector database company, raised an additional $60M in funding in an extension to its earlier $43B Series B round. Prosperity7 Ventures led the extension, with participation from 5Y Capital, Hillhouse Capital, Temasek’s Pavillion Capital, and Yunqi Capital. Zilliz will use the additional funding to continue expanding its engineering and go-to-market teams, once they’ve opened their new Silicon Valley HQ.

Launches and Updates

Alteryx Releases Alteryx Server-FIPS for Public Sector Analytics 

Following up on their May release of Alteryx Designer-FIPS, Alteryx announced this week the launch of Alteryx Server-FIPS. Alteryx’s FIPS releases are compatible with the Federal Information Processing Standards  for data and computer security, which apply to public sector computing environments that require high-quality data encryption. Alteryx Server-FIPS will allow analyst teams within public sector organizations to collaborate on analytic workflows, macros, and apps.

BigID Debuts Auto-Classification for Data Governance

Data intelligence platform BigID announced auto-classification capabilities for data governance and management. Organizations will be able to automatically classify and tag data for governance purposes, even in multi-cloud and hybrid cloud environments. 

Domino Data Lab Obtains ISO 27001:2013 Certification

On August 24, Domino Data Lab announced that they had achieved ISO 27001:2013 certification. ISO 27001:2013 standards require following strict rules around data security, risk management, continuous monitoring and improvement, and personnel training to assure end-to-end security around accessing and using sensitive data in machine learning models.

Incorta Adds Component SDK, Marketplace, Additional Data Apps 

Incorta announced new data applications for a number of platforms, opening up Incorta capabilities to new types of data. The new data apps include Workday (Workforce and Compensation), SAP ECC (Financials and Supply Chain), and Oracle EBS and Cloud ERP (Financials and Supply Chain, and Human Capital Management). Incorta also debuted the Incorta Marketplace, allowing Incorta users to share analytic content in the form of additional data apps, as well as custom visualizations and dashboard controls. Finally, Incorta also released a component SDK that developers can use to create new data connectors beyond the library of already-existing ones.

Sisu Expands Capabilities with Automated Analytics 

Sisu Data has added new features to its Sisu Decision Intelligence Engine. With these new features, Sisu customers will be able to automatically detect trends and anomalies in data, and augment analytics workflows with “automated analytics” to track and understand how and why metrics change and predict the future impact of such changes.

Acquisitions and Partnerships

OpenText to Acquire Micro Focus International PLC

On August 25, OpenText announced its intent to acquire British software and IT firm Micro Focus at £5.32 per share, implying an estimated total value for Micro Focus around $6B. The acquisition is expected to close in early 2023. From our BI to AI perspective, this acquisition helps augment OpenText’s existing analytics capabilities through Micro Focus’ Vertica analytics platform, in addition to a broad set of capabilities available in the rest of Micro Focus’ broad portfolio.

SAS Integrates Viya with SingleStore

Analytics firm SAS and cloud database SingleStore have announced an integration between SAS Viya and SingleStore as part of their ongoing partnership. SAS Viya with SingleStore will allow SAS analytics and AI services to be used on data stored in SingleStore.

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August 19: From BI to AI (Alteryx, Collibra, Cloudera,, Explo,, InterSystems, Omni)

Funding and Financials

Customer-Facing Analytics Solution Explo Raises $12M Series A 

Customer-facing analytics solution Explo has raised $12M in a Series A funding round. Craft Ventures led the round, with participation from Amplo VC and Felicis Ventures. Explo will use the funding to further their product roadmap.

Unified BI Platform Omni Emerges from Stealth, Raises $26.9M in Funding

BI platform Omni launched publicly this week with $26.9M in funding. Redpoint led the $17.5M Series A, with participation from First Round and GV. A seed round was raised back in April, led by First Round, with participation from BoxGroup, GV, Quiet Capital, Redpoint, and Scribble Ventures. Omni was founded by Looker alums Colin Zima (Chief Analytics Officer) and Jamie Davidson (former VP of Product), and former Stitch CTO Christopher Merrick. 

Updates and Launches

Cloudera Launches First All-in-One Data Lakehouse Cloud Service 

Cloudera launched Cloudera Data Platform One, an integrated SaaS data lakehous solution. CDP One includes cloud compute, cloud storage, streaming analytics, machine learning, and security under one roof, on private single-tenant cloud infrastructure, with the aim of permitting secure self-service analytics and exploratory data science in the cloud. CDP One is currently available on a limited basis, with wider availability planned for later in 2022. Announces Eureka Explorer Lineage

Enterprise data catalog debuted Eureka Explorer Lineage this week, a data lineage product built atop’s knowledge graph. Eureka Explorer Lineage shows the flow of data from source to analysis, revealing where data is sourced, where it’s aggregated, and whether or not it has been transformed at any point. Explorer Lineage also uses the knowledge graph to map data to business concepts, making it easier for nontechnical team members to understand what their data is saying. Releases Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning and Analytics Platform

SaaS company debuted its machine learning and analytics platform, focused on preserving the security and privacy of sensitive data while still allowing machine learning and analytics capabilities to be performed. Machine learning traditionally requires centralizing and aggregating data sources, which may not be possible with certain types of data. works via federated machine learning, which allows data to remain distributed while being analyzed, and the aggregated end results maintain the privacy of the original data.

InterSystems Announces Numerous Updates to IRIS

InterSystems announced new releases for its data platform IRIS. The additions of Embedded Python and IntegratedML to IRIS will accelerate and simplify creating smart data fabrics. InterSystems also announced better collaboration facilities for data analysts and data scientists to make their work usable by each other without having to move the underlying data at any point in the process. Improvements to Adaptive Analytics were also released, allowing business users to more easily explore data ad hoc.  Finally, InterSystems announced a partnership with data intelligence platform Collibra, allowing customers to take advantage of Collibra’s data governance, privacy, and quality capabilities.


Alteryx Names Steve Brodrick as Chief Transformation Officer | Alteryx

Steve Brodrick joined Alteryx this week as their Chief Transformation Officer. Brodrick comes to Alteryx from Stanley Black and Decker, where he focused on financial and transformation efforts over the last 20 years. Brodrick will report directly to Alteryx President and CRO Paula Hansen

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Sync Computing Raises $15.5M A Round to Provide Business Governance to Data Infrastructure

On August 16, 2022, Sync Computing, an Amalgam Insights Distinguished Vendor for Cloud Cost Management, announced a $15.5 million round of equity and debt financing led by Costanoa Ventures with participation from prior investors The Engine, Moore Strategic Ventures, and National Grid Partners. Sync Computing has already differentiated itself in the cloud infrastructure optimization market for its capabilities to automate the provisioning and orchestration of cloud both from a cost and runtime perspective based on a proprietary mathematical approach (an oscillator-based Ising machine for those seeking the primary technical inspiration used in Sync applied to optimizing data pipelines) covered in our Cloud Cost Management SmartList. From a business perspective, this means two things: cost management and improved performance.

Amalgam Insights believes that this funding round will help Sync Computing to further enhance its differentiation in the current cloud cost and infrastructure optimization markets as data and machine learning companies seek a starting point to help them to identify cost and performance opportunities, provide options to improve either the cost-basis or revenue-enhancing aspects of infrastructure, and implement these capabilities. This announcement included the general availability announcement of an Apache Spark Autotuner, which will allow data engineers to broadly optimize data environments. We also believe that this funding will help Sync Computing to accelerate the roadmap items described in our SmartList, including enhanced support for both their Autotuner and Orchestrator products to support Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure as well as Kubernetes cluster management support and support for PyTorch and TensorFlow.

As a side note, Amalgam Insights believes this construction of financing is a smart move as it reduces the amount of equity that Sync Computing’s founders need to give up in order to obtain the cash they are receiving to run the company. If the company grows as expected, the interest rate associated with debt will be less than the cost of equity given up in the long run. Given the nature of Sync Computing’s offering at a time when enterprises are seeking to rationalize and optimize their big data and machine learning environments, this bet seems wise.

The  involvement of Costanoa Ventures is significant as it has emerged as a top-tier venture capital firm for supporting data and machine learning infrastructure management  with portfolio investments including Alation, Bigeye, and Pepperdata as well as a variety of AI-enabled applications ranging from 6sense to Intacct to Lex Machina, all of which have been acquired.

With this round of funding, Amalgam Insights believes Sync Computing is well-positioned to continue on its currently unique path of supporting the combination of recommenations, automated configuration, cost management, and performance optimization without requiring additional investment in headcount or skills.

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August 12: From BI to AI (Anaconda, Dropbase, Mighty Canary, Oracle, Verta)


Dropbase Reveals $1.75M Funding Round
Data management company Dropbase announced that they had raised a $1.75M venture funding round this week. Gradient Ventures led the round, with additional participation from Bragiel Brothers, Liquid 2 Ventures, Unpopular Ventures, Y Combinator, and additional angel investors. The funds will be used to XYZ. Dropbase allows users to drag and drop a simple CSV file into a Postgres database while addressing typical dirty data issues on the fly.

Launches and Updates

Mighty Canary Introduces “Trustmark” for Realtime Data
Data trust company Mighty Canary introduced the concept of a “trustmark” this week. Trustmarks report on the state of existing data pipelines, noting the freshness of realtime data on a dashboard. This allows business users to better understand – and trust – that the data on their dashboards is accurate and timely, and note when there are relevant issues. Mighty Canary is currently in beta.

Verta Adds Enterprise-Focused Capabilities to its MLOps Platform
MLOps platform Verta added several new integrations to its MLOps platform. Key new capabilities include support for Active Directory and OAuth, enabling single sign-on (SSO) and automating user provisioning and management; Python Package Index (PyPi =) integration, allowing teams to securely share Python packages and dependencies within their organization; Datadog integration, which will send operational and endpoint metrics from Verta to Datadog so that teams have better visibility into their machine learning models; Apache Kafka integration for simple scalable deployment; and finally, vulnerability scanning throughout the machine learning lifecycle to improve model security.


Anaconda Announces Strategic Cloud Partnership with Oracle
On August 9, Anaconda announced a partnership with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Anaconda will embed its repository of open source Python and R packages within OCI’s Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Services., giving customers access to Anaconda without requiring a separate license.

Anaconda Announces Strategic Cloud Partnership with Oracle
On August 9, Anaconda announced a partnership with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Anaconda will embed its repository of open source Python and R packages within OCI’s Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Services., giving customers access to Anaconda without requiring a separate license.

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August 5: From BI to AI (Alteryx, Databricks, dbt labs, Hazelcast, MicroStrategy, Snowflake, Zilliz)


Alteryx Announces Second Quarter 2022 Financial Results
Alteryx announced its Q2 2022 financial results on August 2. Revenues of $180.6M were up 50% year over year; specifically, subscription revenue doubled to nearly $81M. AYX saw a significant boost in the market based on the revenue growth spurt, though they ended the quarter with a net loss of $106.7M.

MicroStrategy Announces Q2 2022 Financial Results, Separates Chairman and CEO Roles

BI and analytics company MicroStrategy announced their Q2 2022 financial results this week as well. The $122.1M in revenues for this quarter were slightly lower than the same quarter last year, though subscription services revenues were up 5% year over year at $34.1M. As of the end of the quarter, June 30, MicroStrategy had $918M in operational loss due to their Bitcoin holdings tumbling in value, though some of that value has since been recovered.

MicroStrategy also revealed that they would be dividing their Chairman and CEO roles. On August 8, current CEO and Chairman of the Board Michael Saylor will step into the new role of Executive Chairman, while retaining his Chairman of the Board role. Saylor will focus on innovation and long-term corporate strategy, while heading the Board’s Investments Committee and supervising MicroStrategy’s bitcoin acquisition strategy. Current President Phong Le will become the new CEO, in charge of MicroStrategy’s corporate strategy execution, and serve on the Board of Directors as well.

Snowflake to Announce Q2 2023 Financial Results
Snowflake announced that it will release its financial results for Q2 2023 on Wednesday, August 24, following the close of the US markets that day. Snowflake will hold a conference call at that time to discuss the results.

Launches and Updates

Databricks Makes Photon Engine Generally Available

This week, Databricks announced that its lakehouse query engine, Photon, was now generally available across all of the major cloud platforms. New features with the GA release include speed upgrades across numerous functions: vectorized sort (3-20x performance gain over Apache Spark), accelerated window functions performing calculations across table rows that are 2-3x faster than before; and stateless Structured Streaming workloads at 20% of the cost of running similar workloads on traditional Spark. Though Photon’s initial focus on SQL was to enable data warehouse workloads on data lakes, language coverage has been expanded to include modern DataFrame and SparkSQL workloads.

dbt Labs Debuts Technology Partner Program

dbt Labs formally launched its dbt Labs Technology Partner Program this week. Over 50 partners are participating, from categories such as data quality and business intelligence, including Airbyte, Monte Carlo, and ThoughtSpot. Partners integrate their software to extend dbt’s capabilities, while gaining an increased connection to dbt’s userbase.

Hazelcast Launches Viridian Serverless

Realtime data platform Hazelcast released the beta version of Hazelcast Viridian Serverless, a process that grows and shrinks a cluster based on the current workload. Not having to plan for specific sizing up front can speed up app development, and it simplifies the provisioning process. Viridian Serverless is currently available on AWS, with GCP access in the works.

Zilliz Announces Key Contributions to Milvus 2.1

Vector database company Zilliz, creators of the Milvus open source vector database, announced significant contributions to the recent Milvus 2.1 release. These contributions include performance boosts throughout, improvements to scalar data processing to support hybrid search, and tutorials to help users build apps on top of Milvus.


Alteryx Appoints Doniel Sutton as Chief People Officer | Alteryx
On August 4, Alteryx announced that it had appointed Doniel Sutton as their Chief People Officer. Sutton brings over 20 years of human resources and strategic experience to Alteryx. She was previously the Chief People Officer at Fastly, and has held senior HR leadership roles at Paypal, Prudential, Bank of America, and Honeywell.

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Calero-MDSL Acquires Network Control to Support Mid-Market TEM Demand

On August 2, 2022, Calero-MDSL announced the acquisition of Network Control, a telecom expense and managed mobility services vendor based in Waverly, Iowa. This acquisition continues the acquisitive streak of Calero-MDSL and increases its status as the largest telecom expense management solution in terms of spend under management.

Network Control provides telecom expense management and managed mobility services. Founded in 1998 and headquartered in Waverly, Iowa, Network Control was privately held with no outside investment. Network Control is owned by Mark Hearn, a long-time TEM executive who purchased the company in 2011. Amalgam Insights estimates that Network Control has roughly doubled in headcount to approximately 100 employees between the 2011 acquisition and the 2022 purchase by Calero-MDSL.

With this acquisition, Calero-MDSL is making greater strides into the mid-market in acquiring a client base that collectively includes over 200,000 devices and $300 million in spend under management over 75 customers. From a pure spend perspective, Network Control does not represent a substantive addition to Calero-MDSL’s estimated $22 billion under management as the largest TEM in terms of spend under management. However, Network Control brings several important skills to Calero-MDSL that will be vital for the continued growth of the combined company.

First, Network Control has shown the ability to consistently win new business in the mid-market enterprise and is known for its retention. In Amalgam Insights’ CIO Guide for Wireless Expense Management, Network Control was listed as one of Amalgam Insights’ Distinguished Vendors based on its 98%+ retention rate for customers, with the majority of account losses over time coming from merger and acquisition activity or from the cessation of business activities. Mid-market enterprises between $1 million and $20 million in annual telecom spend is an increasingly competitive space for the large TEM vendors that are reaching the practical limits of saturation among the Global 2000 where they have traditionally focused. As TEM has become an established business practice over the past 15-20 years, TEM vendors have been able to polish both their software platforms and managed services capabilities and now are better positioned to provide these capabilities downmarket to support the next $200 billion in global mid-market telecom and technology spend that has traditionally been almost a greenfield market.

In addition, Network Control brings strong managed services capabilities for managed mobility, with approximately 100 employees trained in supporting a managed mobility services organization across operations, logistics, sales, and other business functions which will be valuable to Calero-MDSL in bolstering existing managed mobility capabilities. Network Control is known for its flexibility and client-centric focus in bringing new services to clients as well as for the quality of customer service provided.

Network Control also has a sustained record of winning deals against the likes of Tangoe and Sakon, which happen to be two of Calero-MDSL’s largest rivals in the TEM space. In our CIO Guide, we saw that Network Control ran into competitive deals in approximately 80% of their sales, which was indicative both of the relatively educated nature of potential customers and Network Control’s ability to win against larger vendors.

What to Expect?

First, for mid-market businesses between $100 million and $5 billion in annual revenue, expect increased attention from TEM companies seeking your business to manage your telecom spend. They are seeking environments that have been manually managed or managed with spreadsheets and fall under the IT Rule of 30, which states that any unmanaged IT spend category averages 30% in duplication and waste. This will also be a shift for TEM and MMS vendors that have traditionally sold into the mid-market and found that their biggest competition was against the status quo. As this market starts to shift towards what is being called the “mid-market” or the “mid-enterprise,” expect to see more competitive deals. Calero-MDSL has acquired a company that has a history of winning mid-market business against Calero-MDSL’s biggest rivals based on understanding mid-market pain points and service needs. By adding marketing and sales muscle to Network Control’s operational capabilities, Calero-MDSL has an opportunity to support the mid-market in an unprecedented way.

Second, this acquisition looks like it could kick off a second wave of TEM consolidation. In the early 2010s, there was a massive wave of consolidation in the TEM market driven by venture capital-backed vendors seeking exits or running out of funding. In the 2020s, the situation is slightly different as the firms that have remained to this day tend to be privately owned and profitable companies that have established both best practices and processes to support loyal customer bases. We have started to see the acquisition of these private firms with the acquisitions of Vision Wireless and Wireless Analytics by Motus and with this acquisition, but there are at least a half dozen additional firms with strong mid-market experience that would be strong candidates for a similar acquisition or rollup. However, the big caveat here is that any acquisition of these companies needs to be coupled with a strong customer service culture as the mid-market TEMs Amalgam Insights covers frequently average 98% retention or higher with over 100% wallet share; this is a demanding market where technology, services, and client management must be aligned.

Third, this acquisition shows that the cost of acquiring talent is still significant in the TEM world. Calero-MDSL would have needed an extra year to find the volume of high-level talent that they are getting at one time with the acquisition of Network Control. The ability to find personnel with experience in managing the spend and procurement of millions of dollars in annual technology spend is still relatively rare. This skill will become increasingly necessary in the recessionary times that we are currently facing. Companies cannot simply eliminate technology, so they will need to financially reconcile their environments both with in-house and third-party resources. Network Control has proven its ability to maintain a high level of service by maintaining a high staff-to-client ratio, a practice that Amalgam Insights recommends keeping as the relative cost of labor is smaller than the cost of finding a new customer.

Fourth, it is safe to assume that Network Control was purchased for its talent, capabilities, and client base rather than its software platform. Although Network Control’s TEMNet is a functional platform, the amount of investment that Calero-MDSL has put into its platform ensures that customers will eventually be migrated to this platform. As long as this migration is handled carefully, this should not be a challenge. Calero-MDSL has prior experience in migrating clients from previous acquisitions A&B Groep and Comview, among others.

Overall, Amalgam Insights believes that this acquisition will be accretive to Calero-MDSL both in providing greater capacity to support managed mobility services and to learn the demands of mid-market clients from an experienced team. This acquisition also will eventually provide Network Control clients with access to the Calero-MDSL platform, which has been built to support global environments and now also includes Unified Communications as a Service and Software as a Services support. Amalgam Insights believes this acquisition demonstrates Calero-MDSL’s continued commitment to expanding its market share and providing telecom and technology expense savings to a wider clientele of organizations.