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Adjusting Landline Resources and Spend in the Time of Corona

IT professionals face an imperative mandate: Find ways to cut, align, reallocate, and manage network and telecom costs to help the organization thrive during one of the most economically challenging times in modern history.

Such efforts will boost the business’s day-to-day functionality as it supports newly remote staff; they also will generate tangible, positive financial results that underscore the IT department’s value, from money saved to another employee saved (every $100,000-$200,000 in eliminated waste translates into another role, a critical contribution as the number of jobless claims in the United States recently passed the 40 million mark).

Remote work will remain the new normal for the foreseeable future and IT must proceed with that expectation. Even so, Amalgam Insights predicts networking and telecom spend to remain flat in 2020, contrary to pre-COVID-19 expectations of a 3-4% increase. Yet of that spend, 5-10% likely is a candidate for immediate reallocation. Tackling this challenge, as well as the rest of the recommendations in this blog, will showcase IT as the business steward it is.

To achieve those outcomes, though, IT must undergo some intensive assessments and processes. Amalgam Insights provides that guidance in this blog, in its ongoing webinar series and at its upcoming virtual TEM Expo.

Tips for Making the Most of Networking and Telecom in the Time of Corona

Amalgam has identified six stages inherent to making IT as efficient as possible in the time of COVID-19. For the purposes of better understanding how to optimize networking and telecom amid the pandemic, Stages 1-3 will prove most valuable.

Stage 1: Survivor: Shadow IT Edition

Enterprises around the world now accommodate, if not require, remote work to a heretofore unprecedented degree. The risks of working in enclosed spaces with multiple people now outweighs the risks of letting employees work with more autonomy. This has changed the game for IT. Experts now are working with four new realities:

  • Consumer-grade equipment and security now are normal;
  • Wired and wireless connections are interchangeable;
  • New apps are increasingly important to supporting remote work; and
  • Corporate bandwidth investments may be lying fallow.

Let’s break down each of these areas, which IT needs to address and account for right away if it hasn’t already.

The New Normal of Consumer-Grade Equipment and Security: Much of the work IT did in the months and years prior to the coronavirus’s arrival has become, in many ways, moot. High-performing, well-governed, secure networks no longer apply as employees connect to the organization over home broadband, often with their own devices. IT still must ensure data stays safe and confined within the organization.

Connectivity Interchangeability: IT faces the challenge of discovering if a work-from-home employee is using cable, DSL, fiber, 4G, LTE, Wi-Fi, and so on. Without this information, there is no insight into that connection’s origination or security. Nonetheless, IT has to put measures in place to protect the networks and the enterprise’s information to the greatest extent possible.

New Apps: By using conferencing and other voice- and video-heavy apps, employees may be putting more traffic on their bandwidth channels than they can reasonably withstand. That results in garbled, delayed signals and other constraints on the connection itself. IT may need to adjust traffic prioritization on its end, and educate staff about reconfiguring settings and/or using other, or additional, means of communication to relieve congestion.

Evaluating Corporate Bandwidth. With so many workers no longer in the office, IT must perform some cleanup. After all, why pay for unused resources? Operate from the assumption that you need to reconfigure the enterprise’s network strategy. To do that, follow these steps, knowing that the answers to each section will pave the way for action in Stages 2 and 3:

  1. Understand employees’ primary method of connecting to the enterprise. Pinpoint how staff use bandwidth; the results will play into the next step. 
  2. Modify network access management to make sure bandwidth is going to the right places. This is most easily accomplished with modern technologies such as SD-WAN.
  3. Determine what security – type and level – is needed. The goal is to deter hackers and ensure staff are using bandwidth for work purposes.
  4. Learn the latest on employee technology-reimbursement laws. The enterprise very likely will need to compensate remote workers for bringing their own broadband, laptops and/or mobile phones to the job.
  5. Find out which apps are in place. This will take longer and require more footwork in a remote world with everyone dispersed.
  6. Learn what the organization is competing against. For example, employees’ children are using the home network for school, video games, Netflix, etc. Spouses and partners, too, consuming bandwidth for their work. Having an accurate picture of what your IT department faces will be vital in right-sizing network elements and gauging whether to buy more equipment and/or bandwidth.

Stage 2: Secure Your Business

In the second stage of controlling networks and telecom in the time of corona, shoring up security is essential. Once again, employees’ consumer-grade equipment could pose a significant risk if overlooked. IT must be able to view and prioritize traffic. Remember, too, that other people in the employee’s home, depending on the devices they use and the content they access, could breach your IT protocols if they rely on the same network. Finally, consider how or whether corporate assets may be in peril because of the remote nature of work. This could range from physical danger, wherein a laptop containing private information is lost or stolen, to virtual, such as a staff connecting to unsecured Wi-Fi.

Stage 3: Audit Your Environment

The outcomes revealed from following the recommendations in this section will be indispensable to bringing together Stages 1 and 2, and to solidifying a waste-eliminating approach to networking and telecom for months and years to come.

Above all, begin by benchmarking March, April, and May 2020 spend. These three months represented the critical turning point when remote work habits were established. IT likely will discover a number of new accounts, expenses, and services for which the organization is now paying. Much of that will have happened through shadow IT – employees procuring assets and services outside of formal processes. Work hand in hand (not literally, of course!) with the corporate expense team to identify all IT spend. Let me make this clear.

To Effectively Cut IT Costs in 2020, You Must Identify ALL IT Spend That Emerged During Quarantine.

That advice holds for uncovering all vendors, too; in fact, the results here will highlight redundancies that can be corrected, as well as opportunities to bid for better pricing and contracts.

Knowing what the organization spent in March and April will give the IT team a deep understanding of the networking, applications, and equipment capabilities it needs to provide to remote workers for the rest of the year, and maybe longer. It also will serve as the starting point for eliminating waste as IT reins in shadow IT, reallocates resources (say, away from the once-crowded headquarters office to various, spread-out employee locations), and consolidates vendors.

Failing to benchmark March-May spend now will put your IT planning behind for the remainder of 2020 and probably beyond.

Once IT completes Stages 1-3, it then can move on to more of a strategic enabler role. Reaching that point, however, will only come after pouring some blood, sweat, and tears into the areas discussed here. Celebration and employee education will be hard-earned, but they come later, after IT has built a stable, secure, remote-friendly, and well-managed networking and telecom environment.

For in-depth guidance into COVID IT Strategy, schedule a consultation with us.

To get more guidance on cutting IT costs, join us July 14th for our Technology Expense Management Expo: free for all IT, Finance, and Procurement professionals and with some great gifts and charity opportunities to boot.

And to learn more right now, check out our webinar on this topic.

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Where Are You in the 6 Stages of COVID IT Management?

Author: Hyoun Park

Key Stakeholders: Chief Information Officers, Chief Financial Officers, IT Finance Directors and Managers, IT Procurement Directors and Managers, Accounting Directors and Managers, Telecom Expense Directors and Managers, IT Operations, IT Strategy, FinOps Directors and Managers

Why It Matters: Consumer IT, cybersecurity issues, and massive unexpected IT costs can create a perfect storm that could overwhelm IT – unless experts take the time now to understand what they’re up against and learn how to transform chaos into calm.

Top Takeaway: By preparing for the six stages of COVID IT, companies will be prepared for the challenges of supporting a newly transformed IT where over 40% of employees work from home and 30% of unmanaged spend is wasted.

COVID-19 has irrevocably changed the way IT does business. Many employees stand to remain in work-from-home models for a long time to come as organizations seek to mitigate disease transmission. In some ways, that shift bodes well for the environment and for company overhead. In others, it has caused chaos and stress. For example, this shift has left the IT department, in particular, scrambling: Cybersecurity has grown more difficult to ensure, with workers relying on personal laptops, tablets and smartphones, all over home networks; use of apps and oversight of company data has become harder to track as employees turn to consumer-grade file sharing and video conferencing to do their jobs, further exposing the enterprise to potential breaches; and, finally, hidden and unexpected expenses are hitting the IT department in the aftermath of the sudden move to WFH (Work From Home).

Each of these factors is creating a perfect storm that could overwhelm IT – unless experts take the time now to understand what they’re up against and learn how to transform chaos into calm. Achieving that starts with knowing the six stages of COVID IT and then navigating them with a confident action plan.

Before exploring the six stages of COVID IT, Amalgam Insights wants to emphasize that the IT bills incurred during the COVID-fueled work-from-home activity reflect the new normal. They also highlight areas IT must evaluate for excess spending. This will increase in relevance as organizations prepare for a likely economic downturn and for future global events that will call for non-traditional approaches to work.

As such, assessing where your enterprise falls in the following six stages not only will show where you are now, but where you need to go. Keep in mind, IT cannot tackle all of these stages at once, nor is that desirable.

This process is one we’ve built with sequencing in mind – IT cannot reach Stage 4 without analyzing and addressing Stage 1, for example. Sticking to the steps in order supports IT in its quest to serve as a steward to the business, helping it to shed its outdated role as a commodity within the organization, and, instead, bring value. The following figure describes our recommended timeline as a general rule of thumb. Note that we are coming up on the 3 month period for Stage 3 and 4.

Recommended Timeline for Cleaning Up COVID IT

Stage 1: Survivor: Shadow IT Edition

Estimated time required: 2-4 weeks

Most organizations exited this stage in mid- to late April. They had spent much of March and even early April outfitting employees to work remotely, mostly by deploying cloud resources cobbled together in a matter of days. Everyone, including IT, fumbled just trying to survive. That’s okay. Few entities had plans in place that invited perfect governance and compliance in case of something like a pandemic. Because of that, the top priority was to keep employees connected and able to perform their tasks from home, regardless of the equipment or network enabling those capabilities.

At the same time, employees themselves were adjusting to strange new circumstances. Suddenly their spouses/partners, kids, other family members and neighbors were all at home. In addition to still having to attend to work, this meant dealing with distractions in the form of constant interruptions, child care, the need to serve as school teacher and more. On top of that, employees found themselves in the midst of continuous personal and professional change. Could they keep using Zoom or not? Were they supposed to wear masks outside the house or not? Could they even go outside? All this stress compounded whatever other life experiences they may have been undergoing, from divorce or illness to the fear of losing their livelihoods. The last thing on almost everyone’s mind – and this applied to IT staff as well – was worrying about protecting and securing corporate assets, or worrying about IT expenses.

Again, the hope is that by now, organizations have left this stage behind. There may be some areas to clean up, though, and this blog provides the guidance for analyzing where that may be the case.

Stage 2: Secure Your Business

Estimated time required for initial triage: 2-4 weeks

Chances are, most enterprises remain in this phase. Recall that employees across the board still are confronting the myriad stresses caused by uncertainty around COVID-19. That puts them in a more vulnerable position to inadvertently expose the organization to bad actors. For instance, a hacker may call pretending to be someone from IT and request a password. A worker more focused on day-to-day survival than on corporate security may share that information, thinking nothing of it. This form of social engineering makes way for a serious breach. In fact, hackers have managed to turn COVID-19 fraud into a profitable endeavor by targeting unsuspecting consumers.  As of June 4, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission had fielded more than 64,000 complaints totaling more than $46 million in losses. The numbers only represent the consumer side; the possibility for losses in the corporate world go much, much higher due not only to social engineering, but also to phishing, ransomware and malware. Amalgam Insights recommends educating and testing employees, as well as implementing the tightest enterprise-grade cybersecurity measures feasible that can be supported on consumer-grade networks with an eye towards a zero-trust approach in our consumerized IT world.

Stage 3: Audit Your Environment

Estimated time required: 1-3 months

Next comes cleanup, or the need to audit all the technologies and services ordered and used since the beginning of COVID-19 (as well as everything else IT already was managing). This will indicate what is probable in terms of ongoing and future demand, and show where IT can trim or eliminate costs. To do this, pinpoint all the equipment, devices, applications and services procured and consumed. Then look where overages or absence of use occurred. Amalgam Insights recommends taking a focused approach across landline inventory, cloud services, and infrastructure that includes invoices, inventory, service orders, and virtual inventory.

Once the IT department has a clear bead on all of the above, experts then can compare activity to contracts. The results may reveal that it’s time to renegotiate terms with vendors. Once you have done that, be sure to keep the accounting and sourcing departments in the loop. Show the company how IT has positively impacted cash flow and governance – or, in other words, continued to add value to the organization.

This management is especially important because of the IT Rule of 30, Amalgam Insights’ rule that any unmanaged IT spend averages 30% in waste. Practically all shadow COVID IT spend in March and April was unmanaged. Clean your environment and reclaim your cash.

The IT Rule of 30

Stage 4: Train and Celebrate

Estimated time required: 1-3 months

With better and streamlined assets and services in place, and the corresponding financials that mirror that governance, use the next four to 12 weeks to train and celebrate employees. This may seem impractical amid COVID-19. Yet the people aspect of IT is vital.

First, gather the information gleaned from audits to identify current versus past usage. This applies to applications, devices and services. Record cost structure and the change in IT demands; this data will underscore decisions made by IT. Then, schedule time with company stakeholders. Amalgam Insights recommends those people include executives from finance and human resources, and the managers over the various lines of business. From there, IT should present on four main areas:

  • Making everyone aware of the new normal and what that looks like: Discuss how remote work is contributing to greater productivity and allowing employees the flexibility to juggle heightened work and home responsibilities.
  • Identifying best users and practices: Call out rock star employees who are not only embracing policies, but who may be going above and beyond to help the organization steer clear of security threats and unnecessary IT spending.
  • Showing how IT is helping the organization maneuver financial and operational concerns: IT is now a supply chain for delivering digital services. Accordingly, share the outcomes of an IT-conducted SWOT analysis, as well as savings attained, renegotiated terms, removal of obsolete or underused technologies, and any other audit-related improvements.
  • Describing the new and different use cases brought about by coronavirus-fueled IT deployments: Here, IT experts can talk about new processes that have saved time, money and protected the business, for example.

This meeting marks just the first of what should become regular touchpoints with leaders company-wide. After that, start working with HR and managers to train all employees about new and updated IT policies, processes and procedures. Get the HR unit to integrate the information into any and all onboarding and employee education and performance materials. This will prove crucial to awareness, adoption and adherence. It also will pave the way for executives to recognize and reward standout staff (and, conversely, continue to guide employees having trouble complying).

Notably, Amalgam Insights recommends that IT showcase as much as possible what it is doing to support and bolster the organization as everyone grapples with change. A global recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is poised to hit and last for an unknown amount of time. This makes IT’s business contributions more important than ever. Talk about what matters. Quantify what the department is doing by illustrating how IT boosts the enterprise’s bottom line. Now is the time for purposeful, meaningful, quantifiable and visible business contribution.

Stage 5: Standardize and Improve

Estimated time required: 3-6 months

As the organization settles into its new normal, IT will have the luxury of concentrating on strategic initiatives that supply even more value. Standardizing and improving the environment should take between 90 and 180 days. And the efforts will pay off.

To that point, look for redundancy. Amalgam Insights continues to see examples of enterprises that have purchased multiple versions of at least one application. On top of that, recently remote employees probably have received more than one device because IT didn’t know what that person already had – or not. Take advantage of the “standardize and improve” stage to consolidate services, devices and apps.

On a similar note, it’s also time to standardize the services rolled out to staff. The technologies that sustained in-office work will not be the same ones enabling remote employees. Remove unnecessary vendors and consolidate redundant services (and document all of this as the IT department continues to showcase its value). This includes re-negotiating contracts as needed. Investigate current payment terms, business continuity, disputes, and so on, because what may have been acceptable pre-COVID probably does not favor the organization now.

In other words, IT must do due diligence to prevent the carrier or vendor from doing something that would hurt the organization. For example, if the provider or vendor bills on an automated basis, consider pushing out payment terms or minimum payments. This gives the enterprise wiggle room in case of an emergency. Another opportunity is to jettison now-outdated minimum requirements. Seek out ways to secure annual renewals that don’t just provide discounts, but that also guarantee the company will have upgrade to technologies that maintain and support remote work for months or years to come.

Lastly, make sure all onboarding and training materials now contain updated policies for remote work. With at least 40% of staff now on the job from home, any leniency extended to previously remote employees no longer applies. IT must ensure rigorous security and spending standards.

Stage 6: Transform the Business

Estimated time required: 3-6 months

This final stage of COVID IT may appear to be a luxury at first. We assure you it is not. A significant percentage of CFOs say the pandemic has not stopped them from projects to automate, digitize and improve customer experiences, supply chains and, remote work. To the latter point, Amalgam Insights predicts 15% or more of all United States-based employees will retain permanent work-from-home status post-COVID, which more than doubles our previous work-from-home population. Therefore, IT must align its investments with the C-suite’s vision. This strategy bolsters the organization overall. But it also enhances IT’s role within the company. Amalgam Insights recommends using these opportunities to become, and do, far more than acting as an auditor or bill processor if you haven’t done so already. Offer expert advice, planning and assistance that facilitates crucial outcomes and, at the same time, highlights IT’s importance to the business.


IT may find it necessary to repeat one or more of the six stages of COVID IT stages as circumstances evolve or new ones come to light in an environment where the networking, IT and cloud environments fluctuate constantly.

If you are seeking outside guidance and a deeper dive on your environment, Amalgam Insights is here to help. Click here to schedule a consultation.

Join us at TEM Expo on July 14 to learn more about how to prepare for COVID IT and take immediate action to cut costs.

And if you’d like to learn more about this topic now, please watch our webinar on this topic.

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Who Won and Who Lost in the 1st Round of PPP Loans?

Summary: Companies with 10 to 99 employees were significantly more likely to get their PPP loans accepted than their smaller 1-9 employee counterparts. Based on the US distribution of companies, it looks like $7 billion or more in small business loans ended up going to large 500+ employee enterprises. And the PPP program will likely be underfunded even in a second round, as it will take over $1 trillion to fully meet demand and banks are overwhelmed with the number of loans they need to process.

The United States has recently completed its first round of Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans. This program was theoretically designed to provide small and medium-sized businesses up to 500 employees with up to 2.5 months of payroll support. Additional stipulations within the program also allowed companies with over 500 employees to apply if they had franchise groups of under 500 employees, leading to headlines where large companies such as Ruth Chris’ Steak House and Potbelly were able to get these small business loans while other companies did not.

But was there a significant effect from large businesses entering the PPP program or was this a relatively minor problem? To figure this out, Amalgam Insights took a look at the current breakout of SMB companies in the United States to figure out what an optimal PPP program should have looked like vs. what actually happened.

As a starting point, we looked at the 2012 Census data for firms and employees and found the following breakdown. This analysis basically ignores the sole proprietorships with no employees because, quite frankly, I think those companies are going to be completely ignored and passed by in this loan process. Banks are already overwhelmed by trying to support companies with employees and I don’t see that changing any time soon. 

CategoryFirmsEmployees% of SMBs% of SMB Employees
Firms with 1 to 4 employees3,705,2756,139,46361%10%
Firms with 5 to 9 employees          1,060,2506,974,59118%12%
Firms with 10 to 19 employees             644,8428,656,18211%14%
Firms with 20 to 99 employees             532,39120,922,9609%35%
Firms with 100 to 499 employees               88,58617,173,7281%29%
Total          6,031,34459,866,924100%100%

Nearly half of America’s workforce works for small businesses. We used the average payroll per employee as a starting point to calculate compensation, as smaller firms tend to spend less on payroll than larger firms. We then added a multiplier to acknowledge consultants and the overhead associated with payroll and multiplied by 2.5 months to estimate the payroll per employee that was requested. And then we compared this to the average loan sizes that the PPP provided at various loan tranches ranging from <$150,000 to > $2 million. When we put it together, our initial expectations looked like this for the $342 billion that ended up being disbursed:

CategoryExpected Number of LoansExpected Amount of loans
Firms with 1 to 9 employees1,543,926 $ 70,997 million
Firms with 10 to 19 employees 208,915 $ 45,344 million
Firms with 20 to 99 employees172,483 $ 119,309 million
Firms with 100 to 499 employees 28,700 $ 106,628 million

Compare that with the metrics that the Small Business Administration provided:

SizeApprovedLoanAverage Loan
<$150K1229893 $  58,322 million $ 47,420
>$150K-$350K224061 $  50,926 million $ 227,288
>$350K-$2M181435 $ 137,816 million $ 759,591
>$2M-$5M21566 $ 64,315 million $ 2,982,263
>$5M4412 $ 30,898 million $ 7,003,169

This isn’t a perfect matchup. The first few sets of loans match up well enough for the back-of-the-napkin estimate we’re looking for, but we need to match up the 100-499 employee group with the PPP loans a bit better to figure out what we’re looking for.
Based on business distributions, we’d guess that about 15% of the 100-499 companies are above 300 employees, so we’ll break that category up into 100-299 and 300-499 estimates, which looks like this. I wish I had better breakdowns from the government, but beggars can’t be choosers and I’m trying to figure out what’s happening now.

Firms with 100 to 299 Employees75,298 12,549,539
Firms with 300 to 499 Employees13,288 4,624,189

When we compare the actual loans to what we would have expected from this basic model, we see the following:

CategoryNumber of LoansAmount of Loans% of expected loansDelta of expected amount vs. actual amount
Firms with 1 to 9 employees1,229,893 $ 70,997 million82%$12,676 million
Firms with 10 to 19 employees 224,061 $ 45,344 million112%-5,583 million
Firms with 20 to 99 employees181,435$119,309 million116%-18,508 million
Firms with 100 to 299 employees 21,566 $ 77,606 million83%13,291 million
Firms with 300 to 499 employees4,412$28,710 million108%-2,187 million

A few things are happening here. 

First, small firms with less than 10 employees are definitely not able to get their fair share in many states. Because they both have hundreds of thousands of additional applications and they are relatively small amounts, they go to the back of the line compared not only to the big businesses, but even their colleagues in the 20-100 employee space that ended up getting more than expected. Noted exceptions are the Plains (Kansas, Oklahoma, Iowa, Nebraska), Mountain West (North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana), and Northern New England (Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire) states that processed loans per capita well above the rates of the rest of the country. For more details, check out the data for yourself

(Side note: Amalgam Insights estimates this PPP loan program is providing about $18,000 per employee in total, or $7,300 per employee-month. Just a metric to keep in mind as you compare this to other current bailout efforts in place.)

Second, it looks like the sweet spot for PPP loans is to be in that 20-99 employee space where you have enough resources to act quickly and can pull out the $500,000 to $1 million that lets you be taken seriously by your bank. Another aside is that this is what seems to have happened in the Western States of Arizona, Nevada, and California, where the average loan provided was above average, even considering cost of living, but each of these states processed less than 60% of loans per capita compared to the rest of the country.

Third, “small businesses” with over 100 employees are underrepresented based on our initial model. This is likely because many small business definitions have a receipts limit, some of which are as low as $7.5 million per year, which would likely support less than 50 employees. As a result, many industries cannot grow to over 100 employees while retaining a small business status. But at the same time, it looks like companies between 100-299 employees are at 83% of expected loans while larger companies got much more than expected.

Here’s where the large companies come in. Companies with franchising models, including hotels, restaurants, and retail stores, were able to also join the PPP program. This allowed a variety of enterprises with current credit lines and cash on hand to participate. But how much did these companies get? Based on this initial view, let’s just assume that companies with 300+ employees are like their 100-299 peers and only 83% of companies traditionally in this space would have gotten loans. It could be less, but again, we’re just trying to get a quick and dirty look of what happened. 

300 – 499 Employee Companies LoansAmount
Actual4412 $ 30,897,983,582
At 100-299 levels3398 $ 23,793,534,981
Delta1,014 $ 7,104,448,601

Yes, this says that there were possibly over 1,000 loans going to non-small businesses, resulting in over $7 billion in payroll loans. That’s almost 150,000 additional loans at the 1 – 9 employee level. And, this is assuming that these largest of small businesses qualify to be small at the same percentage as their smaller counterparts, which is doubtful. This number could be even higher.

So, if you are at a small company under 10 employees, your chances for getting a PPP loan are definitely lower than your larger peers. Amalgam Insights estimates that 26% of firms under 10 employees got PPP loans compared to 34% of companies between 10 and 99 employees. You are also competing with large enterprises that are also taking out a couple of percent of the loan amounts and which Amalgam Insights expects will continue to be aggressive in subsequent rounds of PPP loan funding. Although these enterprises are frustrating, it does not seem like they are taking a substantial percentage of the total funds being made available. 

If you’re in this predicament of trying to get a low-amount PPP loan under $100,000 and aren’t in a state that processes loans quickly, you may want to consider going to an online-based PPP program that can process loans in bulk, as traditional banks are limited both in their velocity of loan processing and their reality where they make money off the fees of these loans and will make 10-20 times more from processing a larger “small business” and getting their 2%. 

If your company has between 10 – 99 employees, be aware that there is still a lot of competition. 2/3rds of companies at this size still have not received PPP loans and it is not because they are all doing well in a global pandemic recession quarantine. It will likely take over $1.1 trillion to fully fund all small businesses seeking PPP loans. The rumored $250 billion extension will provide additional funds, but likely not enough for demand. 

And for companies with 100 or more employees, especially those in low-margin industries, programs like PPP show the value of having a flexible corporate structure that allows for small business access to capital. Companies at this size may wish to consider whether it is in their best interests to be under a single corporate umbrella or to run as a group of sub-corporations and franchises to maximize access to capital and business resources. Or consider how much you need this particular loan compared to other financing options. Note that Shake Shack has given back its PPP loan given its current financial position. Being a good neighbor can have strong brand repercussions for companies looking at their long-term business prospects.

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Free Technology Expense Solutions in the Time of Corona

Solutions Mentioned: BMC, CloudCheckr, CloudHealth by VMware, MobiChord, Tangoe, Upland Cimpl, vCom, vMOX (Note: solutions will be added to this blog as a resource to the IT community as Amalgam Insights is notified)

Edited April 29 to add G2 Track, Tangoe, vCom; Edited June 4 to add Upland Cimpl

Throughout the last month, practically every company has been going through an uncomfortable transformation where telecom, network, mobility, cloud, software, and other IT assets and services were purchased, changed, redistributed, disconnected, upgraded, downgraded, and altered. It was a time of awkward challenge as the only goal was to be able to work from home.

Now, we face a new challenge. Now that employees are starting to figure out how to work from home, those of us working in the back offices of IT, operations, finance, accounting, and procurement have to clean up the mess. This isn’t just an academic exercise or a destressing exercise like quarantine cleaning. In medium and large enterprises, there is now a lot of waste, duplication, and misplacement of resources that can provide near-immediate savings and the opportunity to rightsize upcoming contract renewals. There are potentially millions of dollars at stake from the estimated 10-15% bloat that has occurred in conferencing, Software-as-a-Service, Infrastructure-as-a-Service, and enterprise mobility spend areas due to a combination of overprovisioning, over featured accounts, and usage overages.

Although there are a wide variety of spend management solutions in the IT world, a few vendors are providing free offerings to help out the business world, especially with mobility and cloud spend. If you are trying to gain control of a newly unruly IT environment, but don’t have access to corporate spending processes at this time, take a look at the following enterprise-grade solutions with free trials or audits.

IT Spend Solutions

Tangoe, an IT expense market leader with network, enterprise mobility, and cloud IaaS expense offerings, is providing a free audit, optimization and benchmark on a regional or carrier basis for enterprises seeking to cut costs. Savings found through these audits will be available for companies at no cost. To sign up for this service, corporate IT and finance departments should email

Upland Cimpl, a technology expense management solution in Upland’s work management portfolio and a sponsor of TEM Expo, is offering a free telecom audit for wireline and wireless services to identify potential savings for their telecom and IT budget. The free audit offer is designed to show how the current climate has affected telecom costs while showcasing quick potential telecom budget wins. This audit offer pertains to both wireline and wireless services.

vCom, a technology expense management provider with mid-market expertise, is currently offering all new customers a four month grace period with no software or managed services costs with the goal of improving the Return on Investment and immediate cash flow for new customers. This program is extended to 12 months for Healthcare and Nonprofit organizations.

Free Enterprise Mobility Spend Solutions

MobiChord, a technology expense management built on the ServiceNow platform and a sponsor of TEM Expo, is offering a free, 90-day service to help companies manage their mobility assets.  

vMOX, which holds two patents for mobile usage optimization, is providing a free mobile expense management solution for corporate accounts using Verizon or AT&T.

Free Cloud IaaS Management

BMC provides a 30 day trial of BMC Helix Cloud Cost to manage multi-cloud expense challenges. This trial is one of 18 applications where BMC provides free trials for IT management.

CloudCheckr is providing a 14-day free trial of its new CloudCheckr CMx platform, which was just launched on April 15 and improves on CloudCheckr’s ability to manage complex multi-cloud environments. – 

CloudHealth by VMware, a leading cloud management platform that Amalgam Insights has covered in previous research, provides a free trial for companies contacting their sales team.

Free Cloud SaaS Management

G2 Track provides a 90-day free trial of its SaaS subscription management for companies seeking to reduce costs.

Good luck to all of you who are doing your best to be responsible technology stewards for your organizations. If you’d like to learn more about reducing enterprise IT costs, Amalgam Insights is both conducting a 10 webinar series on Technology Expense Management challenges starting on April 21 and holding our inaugural TEM Expo on June 11, which will be a free event for all qualified end-users.

To claim your seat at TEM Expo 2020, simply RSVP on the button below.

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Recommendations for Effective Conferencing: Work in the Time of Corona

In the first three blogs of this series on conferencing, Amalgam Insights discussed top conferencing vendors and their Coronavirus-specific free offerings to support remote work, top functional considerations for purchasing conferencing solutions, and evaluating conferencing solutions. In this final blog, Amalgam Insights provides recommendations for using conferencing solutions effectively.

This four-part blog series on Conferencing Solutions includes the following topics:
Part I: Introduction to Conferencing Solutions
Part II: Defining and Purchasing Conferencing Solutions
Part III: Evaluating Conferencing Solutions
Part IV: Recommendations for Effective Conferencing

Key Stakeholders: Chief Executive Officer, Chief Information Officer, Network Services Directors and Managers, Telecom Directors and Managers, IT Directors and Managers

Why It Matters: In the Time of Corona, Amalgam Insights estimates that the United States workforce working from home has increased from 5% at the end of 2019 to over 30% as of the end of March 2020. In light of this fundamental shift, companies must choose, deploy, and administer conferencing solutions effectively to support remote workers and maintain collaboration-based productivity.

Top Takeaway: Conferencing is a core capability to support teamwork, collaboration, and face-to-face interaction in remote work settings. By understanding the features, pricing, and best practices associated with supporting conferencing solutions at scale, companies can evaluate and implement conferencing solutions at scale to support business continuity and remote teams in the Time of Corona.

Recommendations for Conferencing in the Time of Corona

In considering conferencing solutions in a remote work era, Amalgam Insights provides the following recommendations.

First, figure out what solutions you have in hand. It is not uncommon to see unmanaged enterprises using five, ten, or even twenty different conferencing solutions across text, voice, and video. Because these conferencing solutions are relatively inexpensive and can easily hide in a P-card, expense report, or project, employees have chosen their own conferencing tools. However, to make a good corporate choice and to take full advantage of corporate buying power, IT should start by simply polling employees on whether they are using the corporate conferencing tool or another tool that fits their workflows better.

Second, focus on ease of use. Before committing to a single vendor, look at the ease of use and users’ propensity to adopt the technology for themselves. Any product that consistently requires 5-10 minutes for a user to enter the platform should be a non-starter. Ideally, employees will find a platform that they already prefer, so that enterprise IT can focus on best practices in administering and securing conversations rather than spending countless hours teaching users how to simply hold a conference.

Third, don’t take conferencing functionality for granted. Even if the idea of a conference call is well understood, employees still need a resource to learn basics, such as muting the call when not speaking, using video as a remote employee to be taken more seriously, administering all calls that you initiate to lock down messaging and muting, and optimizing conferencing usage based on corporate best practices for running meetings.

Fourth, internal users and employees need to be equipped to take full advantage of their conferencing solutions. This means that they need hardware that is up to date in taking advantage of captioning, virtual backgrounds, and other modern conferencing capabilities. This may mean investing in microphones or cameras for employees that regularly need to support larger meetings. But the cost of hardware is typically miniscule compared to the value gained from having more comprehensible and engaging meetings, especially at a time when businesses are going to struggle with human contact, eye contact, and missing real-life cues that show the true intent of speakers and presenters.

Fifth, focus on optimizing plans and discounts based on the vendor, number of users, and functionality needed. Conferencing plans, discounts, and “zombie” accounts often provide an optimization opportunity of between 10-50% of the total spend, depending on the company’s ability to consolidate accounts, negotiate contracts, right-size plans, and eliminate unused services. At a time when cash flow is an imperative for most businesses, do your part to maximize cash on hand.


Choosing the best conferencing platform for your organization need not be a difficult endeavor. Following the recommendations we’ve provided should speed up your time to deployment. Almost every organization can benefit from having a conferencing solution in place. Finding new ways to bring employees together during unprecedented times is crucial.

Note that conferencing is not the only helpful communications tool to consider to support a remote work environment. Future installments in this series will cover messaging platforms, key vendors, and top considerations for selecting the right platform both for now and in a post-Corona future.

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Evaluating Conferencing Solutions: Work in the Time of Corona

In the first two blogs of this series on conferencing, Amalgam Insights discussed top conferencing vendors and their Coronavirus-specific free offerings to support remote work as well as top functional considerations for purchasing conferencing solutions. In this third of four blogs on conferencing solutions, Amalgam Insights describes important features to consider in evaluating competing technologies. This blog is a continuation of our work on remote work in the Time of Corona.

This four-part blog series on Conferencing Solutions includes the following topics:
Part I: Introduction to Conferencing Solutions
Part II: Defining and Purchasing Conferencing Solutions
Part III: Evaluating Conferencing Solutions
Part IV: Recommendations for Effective Conferencing

Key Stakeholders: Chief Executive Officer, Chief Information Officer, Network Services Directors and Managers, Telecom Directors and Managers, IT Directors and Managers

Why It Matters: In the Time of Corona, Amalgam Insights estimates that the United States workforce working from home has increased from 5% at the end of 2019 to over 30% as of the end of March 2020. In light of this fundamental shift, companies must choose, deploy, and administer conferencing solutions effectively to support remote workers and maintain collaboration-based productivity.

Top Takeaway: Conferencing is a core capability to support teamwork, collaboration, and face-to-face interaction in remote work settings. By understanding the features, pricing, and best practices associated with supporting conferencing solutions at scale, companies can evaluate and implement conferencing solutions at scale to support business continuity and remote teams in the Time of Corona.

Cloud-Based Conferencing is the Norm

Today, vendors focused on supporting end-user productivity provision conferencing platforms in the cloud and all hardware resides in the conferencing provider’s data centers. In other words, the customer only needs to have phones, laptops, desktop computers and/or tablets with internet access. In most cases, a single brand of equipment is not necessary. Cloud-based conferencing is ideal for distributed workforces. Over the past decade, the trend towards conferencing solutions supported by commodity end-user hardware has become the norm. Vendors that traditionally have sold “walled garden” technology understand this trend and have shifted from dedicated room-based systems to conferencing solutions.

What Features Should I Look For?

First, be careful as vendors may charge more for certain value-added features or reduce access to features at specific tiers of usage or product. Above all, look for a conferencing tool that will help the enterprise and its users to collaborate more efficiently based on the typical size of internal or customer-facing groups, need for personalization, frequency of meetings, ease of use, and available IT support. Framing the search from that perspective will help narrow the hunt more quickly, especially because most products have similar basic functions and similarly named capabilities. With conferencing, the key trait is not typically based on the number of features and functionalities available, but how quickly and easily the solution can be used and how reliable the conferencing solution is in a variety of bandwidth settings. This is especially important in home settings where network performance is often variable, employees rarely purchase business-class symmetrical upload and download speeds, and bandwidth can be affected by everything from a child’s constant use of YouTube to a bevy of next-door neighbors catching up on the latest Netflix hit.

After companies have settled on the core capabilities that are most important to their employees, the noise sets in. By “noise,” we mean all the extras that few people will actually use, but that vendors like to highlight because they sound cool and flashy, whether this may include analytics, natural language processing and captioning, advanced search, geospatial support, employee engagement, or productivity capabilities. It may be necessary to ask vendor reps to describe and demonstrate their platforms in plain language and to step away from hyperbole or standards. This is a time when enterprises need basic and straightforward information that leads to rapid purchases while racing against financial losses, trying to keep staff employed, and keeping operations intact. With these salient business pressures in mind, we have compiled a list of conferencing features that will meet the needs of most organizations suddenly supporting a disparate workforce.

Necessary Conferencing Features for Remote Work

Reservationless scheduling. The ability for coworkers to meet any time and on the fly is critical. Extra points for platforms that simply distribute a link to join and do not require an applications download or any other obstacles.

Centralized Muting and Access Control. Background noise from participants who do not mute their lines causes immense disruption. The conference organizer must be able to mute everyone’s lines and to selectively choose which participants are able to speak, rather than allowing employees to unwitting wreak havoc or, even worse, for strangers to come in and “hack” the conference with unwanted content and comments.

Change presenters. Not all conference calls are or should be a one-way source of information. Allowing different people to present from wherever they are located increases conversation value.

Security protocols. Much of what the organization talks about needs to remain within its confines. Choose a platform that contains stringent and proven safeguards and allows administrators to kick off users that have either inadvertently joined the wrong conference or are purposefully trying to enter a conference for malicious reasons. And make sure that all outputs from a conference, including slides, transcripts, and other shared documents and content are all secured, stored in compliant areas, and encrypted as necessary.

Announcement Administration. Almost nothing interrupts a meeting’s productivity and flow more than the announcement that someone new has joined the meeting, particularly after it has started. A platform that facilitates silent entry while notifying the organizer goes a long way toward reducing everyone’s frustration.

Recording and playback. These capabilities are vital for audio and video calls, and are an overall plus if they also apply to chat. Organizations may need transcripts for regulatory or internal reasons, or to share with colleagues who could not join the conference. Strong solutions in this area will provide the capability to automate transcripts and provide captioning for the hearing impaired.

Screen sharing. Visualization is a core capability to support remote collaboration and contributions. As Amalgam Insights writes in our training practice, the brain has multiple learning processes. While the “cognitive” portion of the brain logically processes information in a structured and academic fashion, the “behavioral” portion of the brain reacts to visual and other stimuli within the first half second of presentation and makes decisions on whether the content is relevant or not. To support that behavioral portion of the brain, screen sharing is an important visual aid that paves the way for more impactful discussions. (Pro Tip: This same behavioral part of the brain is an important reason to show your face in video conferencing, when possible, because people both process and consider your facial expressions and body language in considering your perspective.)

Additional Conferencing Features to Consider

Digital whiteboard. This feature enables brainstorming sessions. Remote teams need the ability to flesh out ideas as if they were all gathered in a room together. This includes the ability to share content, write documents, and collaborate on creating content.

Polling. This can be useful for taking a temperature check on a specific matter if the conference call has a large number of people and organizers do not want to interrupt or delay proceedings. Embedded polling tends to be most important for training purposes, such as continuing education courses that require some amount of in-presentation polling or questioning. However, there are stand-alone polling products that enterprises can just as easily use that may be more relevant from an employee engagement or brainstorming perspective.

Breakout rooms. These can be useful in situations where multiple teams need to meet at once, then gather individually and then come back together. An organization will want to weigh whether it would use breakout rooms often enough to justify the cost, if it is an extra expense. Breakout rooms are helpful to facilitate the in-office collaboration and separate conversations that can be hard to otherwise support.

In general, aim to keep the platform as simple as possible from a usability perspective. This will ensure that people use the licenses for which the business is paying, and they will make the most of the platform. There is little or no point in paying for features that do not enhance outcomes because they are either too cumbersome to use or too difficult to find. Conferencing is a market where ease-of-use, breadth of adoption, and well-managed administration are key capabilities.

In our next blog in this series, Part IV: Recommendations for Effective Conferencing, Amalgam Insights will discuss best practices and guidance for utilizing conferencing solutions to help employees be more productive.

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Defining and Purchasing Conferencing Solutions: Work in the Time of Corona

In the first blog on this series on conferencing, Amalgam Insights discussed top conferencing vendors and their Coronavirus-specific free offerings to support remote work. In this second of four blogs focused on conferencing solutions, Amalgam Insights describes top considerations for enterprises as they formalize their conferencing investments in the Time of Corona.

This four-part blog series on Conferencing Solutions includes the following topics:
Part I: Introduction to Conferencing Solutions
Part II: Defining and Purchasing Conferencing Solutions
Part III: Evaluating Conferencing Solutions
Part IV: Recommendations for Effective Conferencing

Key Stakeholders: Chief Executive Officer, Chief Information Officer, Network Services Directors and Managers, Telecom Directors and Managers, IT Directors and Managers

Why It Matters: In the Time of Corona, Amalgam Insights estimates that the United States workforce working from home has increased from 5% at the end of 2019 to over 30% as of the end of March 2020. In light of this fundamental shift, companies must choose, deploy, and administer conferencing solutions effectively to support remote workers and maintain collaboration-based productivity.

Top Takeaway: Conferencing is a core capability to support teamwork, collaboration, and face-to-face interaction in remote work settings. By understanding the features, pricing, and best practices associated with supporting conferencing solutions at scale, companies can evaluate and implement conferencing solutions at scale to support business continuity and remote teams in the Time of Corona.

Defining the Enterprise-Grade Conferencing Platform

A complete enterprise-grade conferencing platform enables aural, visual and text-based collaboration among groups and individuals through phone lines, the internet and/or camera-enabled devices. That way, employees can meet virtually from wherever they work, including mobile devices, computers, and media-enabled monitors or rooms. Employees can stay connected through their choice of smartphone, tablet, modern laptop or desktop, custom home office or work office, and a high-quality broadband connection.

Note that almost all modern solutions targeting businesses feature audio, video and chat and/or instant messaging. Any conferencing solutions considered that lack all three modes of communication should either be high-end specialist solutions or have some additional vertical or functional specialization above and beyond what is typically provided by conferencing solutions, such as sales enablement, sourcing and contract management, or governed and compliant functionality for government and other high-security use cases. In the age of COVID-19 and future disasters, audio, video and text all are essential to fostering a cohesive team environment.

A final note here: When sifting through the dozens of available solutions, it may be helpful to consider what conferencing is not – and that is fairly straightforward. To that point, enterprise-grade conferencing is not:

• Messaging-only
• File sharing (although conferencing may include this capability)
• Client/community management (à la Salesforce Community Cloud)
• Social media (although conferencing may support channels that resemble social media feeds such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter)
• Learning management systems (e.g., Skillsoft, CrossKnowledge, Area9)
• Virtual events (which have additional event management, contact management, presentation, and audience participation capabilities)
• Webinars (which focus mainly on mass one-way communications with limited two-way interaction through Question and Answer panels or promoting individual users to presenters)

How Do I Buy Conferencing?

In many cases, enterprises purchase conferencing platforms on a standalone basis – separately, not as part of other applications. It is quite common for employees decide to purchase conferencing solutions either for personal use or as a minor line item expense hidden in a project or discretionary spend, resulting in a panoply of solutions within any one organization. Employees launch the platform from a web link or mobile application when needed. Over the past 20+ years that conferencing has been part of the corporate tool kit, a constant challenge has been the inability to start meetings on time or to support the types of meetings that employees would like to have. As a result, employees place a premium on conferencing solutions that work rather than simply using the conferencing solutions mandated within a corporate environment.

By that same token, of course, conferencing can be embedded within other products. Those larger solutions fall outside the scope of this research but, for now, it is sufficient to understand that conferencing acts as one facet of a multi-pronged approach to remote communications.

Licensing Concerns

Enterprises purchase rights to a certain number of conferencing seats, usually for a specific contract length. For this reason alone, it is imperative to select a platform that staff will actually adopt before investing in a product at scale. If the conferencing product is confusing or overloaded with features, people will resort to other methods to meet. The organization then will pay for something it’s not using – and that is a luxury enterprises can ill afford amid COVID-19.

Most cloud-based conferencing vendors will enable clients to add and remove licenses as staffing fluctuates. Depending on the provider, there may be a fee for this convenience. If the conferencing solution is premise-based, the client (or its technology partner) will have to install or uninstall programs manually, device by device. This may not be feasible, depending on the employee’s geographic location. Companies choosing solutions that are difficult to remove or solutions that make it difficult to track usage and define which employee is responsible for an account find themselves at risk of managing “zombie” accounts that maintain their monthly cost, but are assigned to employees that have left the company or projects that are no longer being held.

What Differentiates Conferencing Platforms from a Purchasing Perspective?

Voice plan charges. Who knew minutes still cost money? Well, they do, especially for toll-free numbers. Analyze each vendor’s fine print when it comes to the audio side of the conferencing platform for toll and toll-free minutes and to see which countries are supported with phone numbers. (Pro Tip: In the IP age of communications, computer-based calls can often be both cheaper and higher quality than using a phone.)

Number of users/time supported. Free platforms usually accommodate the fewest seats and minutes per conference. This may pose no challenge for a very small business, but medium and larger organizations require more extensive capabilities. (Pro Tip: Sometimes less is more. Freemium limits may provide an opportunity to reduce meeting attendees to the most relevant stakeholders and to limit meeting times.)

Devices/brand names supported. Despite the popularity of open-source technology, not all platforms and features may work on specific mobile devices or operating systems, whether it be Android, iOS, AppleOS, Windows, Linux, or other options. Doublecheck interoperability and minimum computing requirements for key features during the procurement phase.

Pricing. Depending on the premium nature of the vendor’s brand, as well as number of users, features, level of support, and other considerations, platform pricing varies, even within the provider’s product portfolio. Check whether there are annual discounts, bulk user discounts, minimum annual revenue commitments, pricing changes for transferring licenses across users, and other standard technology pricing concerns when buying in bulk. (Pro Tip: Amalgam Insights provides consulting services for companies seeking to conduct due pricing diligence.)

In our next blog, Part III: Evaluating Conferencing Solutions, we will cover functional considerations in comparing conferencing solutions in the Time of Corona.

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Conferencing Solutions: Work in the Time of Corona

This blog is a continuation of our research on remote work in the Time of Corona. Over the next several weeks, Amalgam Insights will provide guidance on platforms, necessary functionality, and top vendors across a variety of remote work technologies needed to maintain employee productivity.

This four-part blog series on Conferencing Solutions includes the following topics:
Part I: Introduction to Conferencing Solutions
Part II: Defining and Purchasing Conferencing Solutions
Part III: Evaluating Conferencing Solutions
Part IV: Recommendations for Effective Conferencing

Key Stakeholders: Chief Executive Officer, Chief Information Officer, Network Services Directors and Managers, Telecom Directors and Managers, IT Directors and Managers

Why It Matters: In the Time of Corona, Amalgam Insights estimates that the United States workforce working from home has increased from 5% at the end of 2019 to over 30% as of the end of March 2020. In light of this fundamental shift, companies must choose, deploy, and administer conferencing solutions effectively to support remote workers and maintain collaboration-based productivity.

Top Takeaway: Conferencing is a core capability to support teamwork, collaboration, and face-to-face interaction in remote work settings. By understanding the features, pricing, and best practices associated with supporting conferencing solutions at scale, companies can evaluate and implement conferencing solutions at scale to support business continuity and remote teams in the Time of Corona.

The Value of Conferencing Solutions Has Increased in the Time of Corona

The COVID-19 outbreak is spurring businesses across the globe to implement, support, and even promote, remote work. Companies that had previously held out against telecommuting now have little choice but to take the leap as jurisdictions force shutdowns of non-essential businesses and regulate travel and aggregations of people.

There is no guarantee COVID-19 will subside in the next few weeks and global trends indicate that anti-COVID-19 social dispersion tactics require two+ months to be fully effective. As a result, every enterprise that does not require a large on-site contingent must maintain employee productivity as they work from home to keep the global economy afloat. And in all honesty, companies need to have contingency plans for remote work based on the ongoing threat of when the next virus, natural disaster or terrorist attack will come. This novel coronavirus is both a test of current policies and an opportunity to improve remote work responses when the next regional or global emergency occurs. Enterprises are quickly learning the consequences of being late adopters in developing a remote work policy.

Communications technology has evolved quickly over the past decade as features such as text chat, video conferencing, recording, and well-governed centralized administration have become standard capabilities. Organizations undergoing due diligence for products that will optimize work environments will want to start by evaluating and administering these solutions. This first report in a series dedicated to remote work tools explores conferencing, a vital capability that brings colleagues together virtually.

Key Vendors for Enterprise Conferencing

Key Vendors that Amalgam Insights recommends in the Conferencing market include BlueJeans, Cisco WebEx, Google Hangouts, GoToMeeting, Microsoft Teams, RingCentral, Zoho Meeting and Zoom. Each of these vendors meets Amalgam Insights’ minimum expectations for business-grade administration, governance, breadth of capabilities, and business support to organizations that deploy at scale.

To support work in the time of Corona, each vendor recommended by Amalgam Insights for enterprise conferencing usage has provided resources or enterprise-grade functions to their users as a free or reduced-price offering. These offerings include:

BlueJeans: Free Access for First Responders and NGOs

Cisco WebEx: Upgraded Free Accounts to support 100 users with toll calls and no time restrictions and 90-day business trials

Google Hangouts: Premium GSuite features until July 1, including conferencing to 250 users and recording meetings to Google Drive

GoToMeeting: Emergency Remote Work Kits with 3 months access to GoToMeeting, GoToWebinar, remote access, & remote support products

Microsoft Teams: 6 month trials for premium version of Microsoft Teams & free version for all educational institutions

RingCentral: 90 day trial for educators, health-care providers, and non-profits

Zoho Meeting: Zoho is providing its entire Remotely Suite free until July 1, which includes Meeting, documents, webinar, project management, and remote support tools

Zoom: lifted 40-minute limit on free accounts in multiple countries, lifted time limits for schools using free accounts

We hope that these offerings from the top vendors that Amalgam Insights recommends in the conferencing space will be helpful as companies seek solutions to support their remote employees. In the next blog in this series, Part II: Defining and Purchasing Conferencing Solutions, Amalgam Insights will discuss functional capabilities that companies should consider as they start to commit to a conferencing solution and consolidate vendors.

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Work in the Time of Corona: An Alert for the Amalgam Community

Summary: This piece provides guidance on:
Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has wreaked havoc on the tech workplace in the early part of 2020. And, like the great Gabriel Garcia Marquez novel “Love in the Time of Cholera,” we all face legitimate challenges in deciding how rational and detached or how personal and connected to be at a specific time in history.

Continue reading Work in the Time of Corona: An Alert for the Amalgam Community

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RIP to Business Legends Leila Janah and Clayton Christensen

On January 23, 2020, the business world lost two of its biggest stars: Leila Janah and Clayton Christensen. Both of them were personal inspirations to me both in their ability to execute on big ideas and to make a real difference in the world by living up to the cliche of “doing well by doing good.”

Leila Janah passed away on January 23rd, 2020 at the age of 37. She was an unstoppable force in fighting global poverty through her organizations of Samasource, LXMI, and Samaschool. From our Amalgam Insights’ perspective, the work that Samasource did in training AI data for many of the world’s biggest enterprises made Samasource an important company to watch.

But even more importantly was how Samasource conducted this AI data training. Samasource has employed people across India, Kenya, Uganda, Haiti, Pakistan, Ghana, and South Africa through what is now called impact sourcing where workers are trained to a job and paid a living wage with the goal of rising above poverty. The company has hired and trained thousands of people since its founding in 2008 and has a global staff of 2,900.

In running Samasource, Janah both lifted up thousands of people and created an organization that was seen as a legitimate growth business. In November 2019, Samasource raised a $14.8 million A round to increase growth at a time when trusted AI data is more important than ever. Janah was a pioneer in simultaneously evolving the concept of managing AI data while creating a massively successful growth company and creating change in emerging markets.

RIP Leila Janah. Thank you for making a difference.

Clayton Christensen passed away on January 23rd, 2020 at the age of 67. He obviously needs no introduction in the business world as he has been a guiding light in the business world for decades. His 1997 book The Innovator’s Dilemma is the most important business book of recent times and Christensen is in the pantheon of great business authors along with the likes of Benjamin Graham, Dale Carnegie, W. Edwards Deming, Peter Drucker, and Michael Porter.

Christensen coined the term of “Disruptive Innovation,” which described how products and services that could be seen as inferior, tangential, and more accessible than their dominant status quo market equivalents could eventually usurp leading market positions over time. Although Christensen could have sat on his laurels and simply used his Innovator’s Dilemma work for the next 20+ years, Christensen was always seeking to improve and perfect his work on “disruptive innovation” and to push back against the breathless hype of the phrase he was associated with.

Christensen’s ability to translate his theories and work into tangible action that helped transform the likes of Apple, Intel, Netflix, and practically every company that has successfully evolved or fended off new competitors. Christensen’s work made every company more aware of its need to serve customer needs, disrupt as needed to match customer preferences, and identify “jobs to be done.”

RIP Clayton Christensen. Thank you for being a brilliant thinker and an even better person.