Launches and Updates
Datadobi Updates StorageMAP to Deal with Orphaned Data
Datadobi has updated its StorageMAP data management platform. The focus of the new capabilities is around dealing with orphaned data – data where the data owner is inactive in the organization’s systems. StorageMAP can now identify data sets with a high amount of orphaned data, allowing companies to remediate said data more easily.
MariaDB and Qlik Partner to Migrate Data Away from Legacy Systems
MariaDB and Qlik have announced a partnership to help migrate organizations from legacy databases to MariaDB products such as MariaDB Enterprise Server, MariaDB Xpand, or MariaDB’s SkySQL cloud database service. Companies will be able to do so using Qlik’s Data Integration platform.
OrionVM and Blaize Present AI-as-a-Service Offering
Infrastructure-as-a-service provider OrionVM has partnered with edge AI provider Blaize, building an AI-as-a-service offering. Blaize’s AI apps will be available on OrionVM’s cloud platform. Key usecases for this include virtualizing Blaize’s Graph Streaming Processor chips for edge AI on OrionVM, creating dedicated AI environments with virgualized GSPs, and developing AI apps without needing to purchase and configure dedicated hardware environments using Blaize AI Studio on OrionVM.
Data governance platform Privacera announced an integration with AWS Lake Formation, now in private preview. Data teams will now have access to Privacera’s automated data governance and data access capabilities across multiple popular AWS services such as Amazon S3, Amazon Redshift, and Amazon RDS. Users will be able to build data access policies atop AWS Lake Formation, and policy enforcement will include popular data analytics systems such as Databricks.
ThinkData Works Now Available on Google Cloud Marketplace
On September 7, ThinkData Works debuted its data catalog on Google Gloud Marketplace. Customers will now be able to connect data in their ThinkData Works catalog to AI and data analytics capabilities on Google Cloud.