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October 7: From BI to AI (Apollo GraphQL, AWS, CelerData, Domino Data Lab, Komprise, Kyndryl, SingleStore, Teradata)


SingleStore Closes Additional $30M in Series F Funding, Total Now at $146M

Database company SingleStore closed an additional $30M in F-round funding earlier this week, with Prosperity7 as a new investor. This additional investment brings SingleStore’s total for their F round up to $146M, after an initial round in September 2021 for $80M and an additional $36M in July 2022. In the interim, SingleStore has doubled its headcount, with geographic expansions to Ireland, Singapore, and Australia, and hiring continues.


Apollo GraphQL Launches GraphOS to Scale “Supergraphs”

On October 5, Apollo GraphQL debuted Apollo GraphOS. GraphOS is a platform to build, connect, and scale “supergraphs,” which are themselves architectures that bring together a company’s data, micro services, and other digital capabilities into one network to simplify data access and sourcing for app building. Key features of GraphOS include providing a centralized updated repository for schemas and pipelines, new GraphQL capabilities such as live queries and edge caching,  both cloud and self-hosting options, and security and governance capabilities to control who can access your supergraphs when and why

CelerData Launches Quick Start for StarRocks on Amazon Web Services 

On October 6, analytics platform CelerData released AWS QuickStart for StarRocks. This release deploys StarRocks on the AWS cloud, supporting quick deployment of real-time analytics and providing high concurrency while guiding users to follow AWS best practices

Domino 5.3 Previews Nexus Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Capabilities
Domino Data Lab released version 5.3 of their Enterprise MLOps platform yesterday. Key features include a private preview of Domino’s Nexus hybrid and multi-cloud capabilities, announced back in June; additional data connectors for Amazon S3 tabular data, Teradata warehouses, and Trino; and GPU-based model inference capabilities extended beyond model training to model deployment, helping bring complex models based on deep learning capabilities into production. Domino 5.3 is generally available now; companies who would like to preview Nexus can request access on the Domino Nexus website.

Komprise Rolls Out Fall 2022 Release 

Unstructured data management company Komprise released the Fall 2022 version of Komprise Intelligent Data Management. New capabilities include Komprise Smart Data Workflows, which let IT teams automate key parts of the data tagging and discovery process; and Deep Analytics, which permits authorized users outside of IT to view certain characteristics of their data and work with IT for better data management.


Kyndryl and Teradata Team Up for Cloud Migration
IT infrastructure services provider Kyndryl and data platform Teradata announced a strategic partnership earlier this week. The companies will combine Kyndryl’s data and AI services and Teradata’s cloud analytics and data platform to help customers migrate from on-prem data warehouses to the cloud.