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April 8: From BI to AI (Accenture,, Atlassian, Confluent, Databricks, Dataiku,, Deloitte, Elastic, Fivetran, Gamma Soft, Google Cloud, Instaclustr,, MongoDB, Monitaur, Neo4j, NetApp, ReadySet, Redis, Starburst, Talend)

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Funding Announces $31 Million Series B Funding Round

On April 6,, a data and analytics engineering automation platform, announced that they had secured a $31M Series B round of financing. Tiger Global led the round, with participation from existing investor Accel and new investor Shasta Ventures. The funding will be used to expand go-to-market efforts and target geographies, as well as broadening the scope of supported cloud platforms. Announces $50M Series C Funding Round

On April 5,, an enterprise data catalog, announced a $50M Series C funding round. Goldman Sachs’’s Growth Equity group led the funding round. Additional contributions came from Prologis Ventures, Sandbox Insurtech Ventures, Shasta Ventures, Vopak Ventures, and individual angel investors. Funding will go towards hiring, global geographic expansion, and product development.

ReadySet Launches, Reveals $29M in Early Funding

On April 5, ReadySet, a SQL caching engine, officially launched, revealing $29M in seed round and Series A funding. Index Ventures led the A round, with participation by Amplify Partners and additional angel investors. The funding will go towards product development.

Product Launches and Updates

Welcoming Atlassian Data Lake and Atlassian Analytics

Atlassian announced new capabilities of its Atlassian Platform at its Team 22 event earlier this week. The Atlassian Data Lake will gather data from the various Atlassian apps in one place for convenient querying. At launch, the focus is on data from Jira Software and Jira Service Management, but Atlassian plans to include its other apps soon. As for actually analyzing the data, Atlassian used technology from its Chartio acquisition last year to build Atlassian Analytics, which connects to the Atlassian Data Lake and generates analytics and visualizations of data both in the data lake, and combined with third-party data as well.

Databricks Makes Delta Live Tables Generally Available

On April 5, Databricks announced that Delta Live Tables was now generally available. Delta Live Tables automates repetitive, time-consuming parts of data pipeline operation and maintenance so that data engineers and analysts can focus on the actual data. Debuts its Data Privacy Automation Platform came out of stealth mode April 6, announcing the general availability of its data privacy automation platform. LightBeam consolidates and automates data compliance processes that are often manually managed at the moment, helping companies abide more strictly by data privacy regulations.

Monitaur Launches GovernML Addition to ML Assurance Platform

Monitaur, an AI governance company, announced the general availability of GovernML on April 6, part of its ML Assurance suite to monitor machine learning models for bias, risk, and other behavioral issues. GovernML will create a system of record providing a governance offering around the AI lifecycle, offering key features such as policy management, technical monitoring, and human oversight of model performance and results.

Partnerships and Acquisitions

Debuting the Data Cloud Alliance

On April 5, Google Cloud joined with nearly a dozen other companies (Accenture, Confluent, Databricks, Dataiku, Deloitte, Elastic, Fivetran, MongoDB, Neo4j, Redis, and Starburst) to found the Data Cloud Alliance, committing to making data more accessible and mobile across a wide variety of environments. Alliance members will strive to reduce complexity in data environments by providing infrastructure, APIs, and support for data portability and accessibility between platforms, working towards building digital data standards the members will support in common.

NetApp Announces Intent to Acquire Instaclustr

NetApp announced April 7 that it had signed a definitive agreement to acquire Instaclustr, a database and data app deployment service. While NetApp has long been known for its data storage capabilities, its acquisition of Instaclustr is the latest in a series of procurements reflecting a significant expansion of data management capabilities among their offerings.

Talend Acquires Gamma Soft

On April 7, data integration company Talend announced that it had acquired Gamma Soft, a change data capture company. Combining Gamma Soft’s change data capture capabilities with Talend’s data integration and management functionality will help Talend customers process data changes more quickly.